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World's Most Beautiful Fish

Published by sini under on 03.50
Beautiful African Cichlids Fish In The World

The underwater world is very beautiful and very menapjubkan. One of them is fish. Fish in the sea and a wide variety of colors. One of them is African Cichlids. African Cichlids are very beautiful fish and so in the interest of the people

This fish is pronounced as "Sick-Lids". This fish is found in three lakes in Africa: Malawi, Tanganyika, and Victoria. Existing species in Lake Victoria the number is less diverse and less colorful than others. Usually they grow up to 6-7 inches, with the exception of Frontosoa species, which can grow until 12-14 inches. This is ikan2 Ikan2 freshwater can reply easily dipiara in a home aquarium. In addition to Africa, there are also species of fish in the waters of the Amazon who idup, but it was bigger and more aggressive than people in Africa. Iyalah, so Amazon

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